Monday 12 March 2012

another sprinting day

Today's session

AM: Sprinting
10x10m starting sprints
5x100m max effort sprints

PM: CrossFit

1RM Max Height Box Jump (use weight plates for extra height)
then as you are taking off the weights:
perform 15 box jumps per weight taken off the box. Once no more plates are on the box, perform 50 box jumps

WOD: Tabata Time
Tabata GHD Sit Ups with
Tabata deadlift @ bodyweight
rest 2 mins then
100m of burpee broad jumps

Friday 9 March 2012

Time to take it up a notch

Okay, so reading a few sprinting articles and blogs, it seems I'm not doing enough work...

Time to change that:

AM: Sprint Session
15-20m warm up drills
5x20m sprint
5x30m sprint
10x60m sprint
1x100m sprint

50m of broad jumps
50m of lunges

3x10 "Jump and toss" (grab a ball or a kb, perform a broadjump and throw ball/kb as far as possible mid jump.

400m jog and stretching to cool down.

PM: CrossFit
4x12 Good Mornings
4x12 GHD Back Extentions
4x12 GHD Sit Ups

Squat Speed Training:
with 40% of 1rm (my 1rm is 165kg, so 66kg is my working weight)
perform 3 back squat as quick as possible, rest 30 seconds. do as many sets as possible.

5 rounds for time:
5 squat cleans 135#
10 burpees
15 box jumps

rest 1min between rounds

Wednesday 7 March 2012

First training day after the "incident"

So, after dropping a 1rm squat on the back of my head (yes sounds bad, felt worse but no "major" damage) I had a rest day yesterday as I couldn't move my neck.. Today it feels a little looser so I'm going to push myself and see how I go..

Am: sprint session
Warm up
10x20m 3 point sprints
10x100m kneeling sprints

Pm: CrossFit
Warm up + Mobility
5,5,3,3,1,1 overhead squat

Ohs 135#
Double unders

Core work:
4 x 20 V-Sit ups
4 x 10 strict toes thru rings
3 x max hold Plank holds

Monday 5 March 2012

CrossFit, sprinting and paleo... Let's see how this goes

Well, because of work I am unable to compete in the opens to try and score a spot in the regionals... Yeah I am destroyed about it, but the only plus side is that I have 12 months to go for the 2013 games. Have to wait a year for it to come around, but I "should" be a better athlete by then.

Tomorrow's workout:

Am: beach sprinting
Warm up
5x10m flying starts
10x60m max efforts

Pm: CrossFit

Single squat, starting from 40kg, do 1 squat, increase by 10kg and do 1 squat until failure

4x12 weighted 24" box jumps 30kg (15kg db each hand)

Amrap 5mins
50 kb swings 28kg
Burpees in remainder of time
Rest 3mins

Amrap 5mins
50 overhead lunges 75#
Burpees in remainder of time
Rest 3mins

Amrap 5mins
50 thrusters 75#
Burpees in remainder of time

Penalty for not finishing any of the movements of 50:
10 double unders per rep under

I'm back home baby

Time to do some serious training:

5rm Power Cleans

With 50% 5rm Power Clean
Run 200m each round

Thursday 23 February 2012

Changeover day / Competition day

So today is my changeover day, where I change from night shift to day shift.. Nothing really changes, when you're underground it's still pitch black without the lights on...

The important things about today are:
1. I get a full 24 hours off
2. Means I'm getting closer to home time and I get to see my toots again
3. I know I have goodies waiting at home for me... (thank you Life As RX'd)

So, with my 3 on 1 off schedulle, would you believe that my day 3 is TODAY? means it's time for something special and since I have a comp coming up on the 31st of March I think it's the day to test out my diet and training with a mock comp day, which will be 3 workouts today:

WOD 1:
Dumb Helen
3 Rounds for time
Run 400m
21 dumbell swings 25kg
12 pull ups

Rest 4 hours

WOD 2:
Ground to overhead 50kg
Ring Dips

Rest 4 hours

WOD 3:
AMRAP 10mins
Overhead Squat 50kg
Everytime the bar is put down perform 5 bar facing burpees

Post all 3 results to coments.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

The new guy

So, the new guy FINALLY rocks up to the gym for his first session and after a warm up and some dynamic stretching I put him through a 10m Cindy... He's broken, but the bastard got lipping pull ups during his first session..

SWOD: 5,5,5 power snatch

10 rounds for time
5 hang squat snatch 42.5kg
10 pull ups
20 double unders

This actually hurts a lot in 85% humidity.. Hahaha